Coach Accreditation is a primary goal for Pittwater RSL FC, the MWFA and the FFA. All coaches should have attended training and accreditation for the respective coaching levels as follows:
GRASS ROOTS CERTIFICATE – (Team coaches 6-9 Years) 3hrs
SKILL TRAINING CERTIFICATE – (Team coaches 10-13 Years) 14hrs
GAME TRAINING CERTIFICATE – (Team coaches 13-17 Years) 14hrs
To assist you in getting accredited, the MWFA & Pittwater RSL Football club are conducting community coaching courses at Kitchener Park and Cromer Park.
MWFA coaching courses are available here:
Football NSW offers coaching courses on this website:
To support our accredited coaches, the Pittwater RSL FC will provide all of our SKILL and GAME accredited coaches with FREE training equipment including Cones, Poles and Bibs, once you become certified.
Visit the news pages where coaching courses will be announced on a regular basis – also distributed via the regular Pittwater RSL FC newsletter.