Kitchener Park can be used throughout weekdays to undertake training with your team.
The following spreadsheet shows the field usage – use it to find a free slot
NOTE: Full field use is not possible until 20th March – before that time only Tues & Thurs 7.30pm – 9pm is available
If you would like to book a field at Kitchener Park for your team to train on a weekly basis, please contact with the following details:
- Name of the team
- Age group
- Preferred day and time of training
- Size of field required
Please note that it is the coach’s and / or manager’s responsibility to check whether the sport field is open or closed. Even if it doesn’t rain, due to maintenance the field may be closed nevertheless. Fines will be passed onto the respective teams if they train during times the Northern Beaches Council has closed the field. Check for sport fields updates here.