Instructions to Register as a Coach or Manager


  1. Go to the MyFootballClub website:
  2. Click on “Register Now”
  3. Select ‘Volunteer Registration’ for managers
  4. Follow the prompts to proceed to login pages, find your FFA number and/or reset your password
  5. Login using your FFA number and password

Start Registration:

  1. Once logged in, select “Make a Registration” or “Register Now”
  2. Update contact details if necessary. Please ensure you enter the correct email address & Mobile #.
  3. On the next screen, enter the club name: Pittwater RSL FC – NB: If you get a message saying there are no packages then click OK and check the club name
  4. Select the Registration role as: “Volunteer (you will be prompted to enter what type – Team Manager’
  5. Select: “Summer 2016/17 Team Manager”
  6. Click the “Add Packages” button.
  7. Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.
  8. Read and acknowledge the Terms and Conditions then click NextYou will then come to the Payment screen, this will show nil payment is required, on just click on ‘Next’.

Your registration has now been submitted.

Then Send email to Valentino Here, notify us what team you are manager for.

Player registration:

If players are yet to register, please get them to follow instructions at this link:

Competition Dates:


If you still have any questions please  email Ben Adams here.